Virtual coaching

IECL coaching has impact

Coaching impact is felt by both the individual and organisation with measurable, well defined outcomes. Our unique pre and post evaluation of coaching engagements shows significant uplift in performance and well-being, excellent coaching experience scores and world-class NPS (likelihood to recommend to others).

What differentiates IECL coaches?

"Why Coaching, Why Now?" Research

IECL has compiled a selection of outcome-driven industry research from the last decade to show how coaching impacts leaders and organisations and more specifically what problems coaching and being coached helps leaders to deal with.

Highly recommended by leaders

The results are in! Leaders who’ve undertaken IECL coaching rave about the experience.

IECL coaching evaluation data consistently demonstrates IECL coaching has impact.

Improved performance and wellbeing

At IECL we believe there is no use aiming for improved performance if it comes at the expense of wellbeing. Our coaching consistently delivers outcomes in terms of both improved performance AND wellbeing. Those we coach tell us how the experience of coaching impacted their wellbeing: “My overall wellbeing has improved, partly through better management but also not letting the little things affect me”.

Case Studies

Here’s a small selection of the work we have done for our clients over recent years

From our clients

“I am in dual roles with enormous responsibility. Before the program, it would have been overwhelming. But now I feel confident and with ease walking into ambiguity and new areas I don't know. I can only thank you for that. I am forever grateful for your coaching. There are no words to even describe it.”

Director, Government